The One-Year Bible

Here you will find an extensive audio library in a verse-by-verse style teaching of the New Testament, to help you grow in your walk with the Lord.

The Power of God’s Word

Genesis 25 “The Flesh and The Spirit”

Matthew 13:1-23 “Parable of the Soils”


“Numbers 6 “Separated to God”

“Numbers 13 and 14, “Trust”

“Numbers 32, “Good Enough”

“Luke 11:1-13,Teach Us To Pray”

“Joshua 3 and 4, “Obstacles”

“Joshua 5, “Preparing the Horse”

“John 13: 18-30 “Grace for the Hypocrite”

“Psalm 103, “Bless the Lord oh My Soul” (audio issues)

“Acts 2: 42-47, “The First Church”

“Acts 12: 1-7, Prayer and Deliverance”

“Acts 16: 16-34, “Another Prison Break”